Hei2,.. Mabul here i come..... erkkkk... When??? Where??, ok, am i suppose to be a Sabahan that know where this place is??... ok, honestly i know Mabul but till now on age 28 not yet have a chance to visit this place....hiewwww, poor Sabahan isn't it.....hehehe.... If you all realize with my blog, its full of beach/island picture... most all of it took by myself (not photographer ok....), all the beach/island not in Malaysia. I'm working abroad before and mostly in Maldives and Seychelles.... just find uncle google to find this place
Seychelles &
Maldives ..... was there 2007-2010... not so long but still i can tell you all that this country have a lot of nice beach and Island.....
Wooppss, am i promoting their country..... ok, back to main story as per the title above..... come Lets Explore Mabul.....
Mabul Island
Mabul is a small island off the south-eastern coast of Sabah in Malaysia... If you all wanna see from the map
there's couple of island in there... lot of choice......
How to go here?
there's 2 ways to come here... by air and road... of course on the last step its only 1 option that is by sea....heee.... If you travelling from Kuala Lumpur, there's a direct flight from KLIA to Tawau, from Tawau, you need to travel by Bus or Taxi to Semporna...
If you travelling by Car from Kota Kinabalu.. it takes around 8 hours... huuuu, what a long drive ha... but if you coming by grouping its not that bad... there's many interesting place on the way from KK to Semporna......
to make it more easy.. just check this website
Mabul .... hope it will give a good guidance....
i dont think it will be enough but once you in Sabah dont worry cause we all well trained to give a guidelines to Mabul.... (well, as Sabahan we born as a good buddy.... aissseeehhh.....hehehe)
Why I want to be At Mabul
This the one i like to share to all of you here... why i want to be there.... hmmmmm..... after traveling and stay couple of Island on abroad.... i realize that i'm miss the part of my own state one of amazing scenery.... Most of the time i'm traveling i will met with many tourist from all part over the world ( not all actually...heee), Anybody know what the 1st thing people will ask if we met someone out there??.... ok for me, its like this while in abroad before:
Foreigner: Hi, Where your From?
Me: Sabah, Malaysia. How about you?
Foreigner: I'm from Italy. Is it Borneo? well if yes, you are one of the lucky guy to live there cause as a diver like me, Sipadan/Mabul one of the 'Must Visit' to every divers.... have you been there? (One of the divers i met in Resorts while on construction)
Me: erkkkkk, yes, I'm from Borneo and Sipadan also was there... but its far away from my town... and i dont even know Sipadan interesting than here.....(Maldives also not bad i think...haha)
Foreigner: I cant believe it.. You should visit there sometimes..... Its been my dream since my first dive when i was 12 years old.... ( i think he about 35 years old )
Me: ok, well i'm not even climb our highest mountain there Mt.Kinabalu... i think i should start exploring my own place first before i explore others....hahhaa.... (what a shame in me...)
Foreigner: You must do it.. I'm planning to visit there next year... (that was on 2009.. he suppose to visit Mabul last year)....
Me: ya, i'm considering it now... and i will back to my Borneo as soon for this.... (but, till now....mmmmm)......
then i'm quit my job there last year and back to Sabah..... i'm not quit because i wanna go to Mabul...hahhaa.... hopefully i will be there somedays.... If i have chance, why not rite 3D2N... who wanna give this......

Resort in there... i'm missing my job before.. as a resort builder before..... i'm just wondering "what am i doing out there before??" but.... our place still much to be explore than others... so, its good to maintain some part.... i wish i'll be there someday,,,,,,
well... as a sabahan to promote our best place ever.. someone ever be there before.??..... how i wish i can be there as soon...
check out my past project on abroad...
till we meet again... and ya, if the 3D2N can be mine.....hehe... cheers all... ciao2....