As we have holiday on the 16th Sept.... So, its been a long holiday suppose to be....hehehe.... i've been spend my holidays travelling several place.. its like formal visit actually,.. attending open house.sound good...hehe..... much time been thrown out with driving... but, still enjoyable trips....hehe..... here is my trip>>>
Kota Marudu>>Kota Kinabalu (2 hours by car, average speed of 80km/j) 16/9
this is normal route for me as i can say, i'm in KK almost every weekend....hehe...... the road condition??? ok, i think who ever using this road know very well the condition... just some advice when you on KM-KK road, watch out the hole...hahaha.....
Kota Kinabalu>>Tambunan (almost 2 hours by car) 17/9
long time not using this road.... and for the 1st time i'm driving going there...hahaha.. what a shame ah,.. well, i'm just back to my own hometown....hehe.... but, not too bad cause still manage arrived on time even if long too many traffic that time.... and the car condition also excellent (thanks to our companycar..haha).... there's 6 of us including me and we manage to bring some box of b***.... we went directly to the open house place and spend around 4 hours there..... we spend our night in TVRC (Tambunan Village Resort Centre)....little bit disappoint here, this place not well maintain....hiewwww.... *just for info if you visiting Tambunan for open house, be prepare to get drunk...hahha.. but in my case manage not drink any beer/alcohol, well i'm already quit for 2 years now...haha......
Tambunan>>Keningau>>Tambunan>>Kota Kinabalu>>Kota Marudu (from morning till mid nite) 18/9
after rest a nite in TVRC... i'm driving back to Keningau.. visiting my fiancee siblings there,.... take our lunch there.... visit the town there.... its been more than 10 years never going back to Keningau.... before i was there for my primary school... and Keningau been change much than i imagine.... still manage to visit my old school when i was there.....hehe..... after we take lunch there, we heading back to KK via Tambunan again... we suppose to use the Kimanis road but, the weather seems not that good for using that road.... So, we back again to Tambunan and directly to KK....and of course, we make several stop and buying some fruits in roadside stall.... arrive KK around 7pm.... resting little bit and giving chance the others shopping in 1Borneo Hypermall before drive back to Kota Marudu..... we arrive around midnite in Kota Marudu.....
Overall, its been a enjoyable journey but my body tired oo..... i'm drviving all over the time... just wanna try how far i can go... i think i can go more far than this.... but i need good car la....hehehe.... thats my Malaysia Day Holiday.... unfortunatly not manage to capture picture...hmmmm.... unlucky kan...haha.....
but, lets see other picture then this holiday trips....hehe
Apple in the car....hahaha......
the most 'jajal' pet in the car....hahaha.....
p/s... Still tired of driving.... but manage to work as usual on the next day....hahaha... ciao2 all.... have a nice day....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Just now, i'm almost finish drafting a blog about Malaysia Day.. all in sudden, my firefox not responding till now.... and when i open my blog with IE... quess what?? the only thing that been save on draft only the paragraph below... aiseehhhh... i've already draftng almost 4/5 paragraph just now...adedede,... its the 1st tim in my blog i'm writing about politic.... and now its gone.... maybe i just cant make it la kan....damn....hahaha...... arghhhh... actually its just my 10 cent opinion bout politic.. but sadly, before it published my firefox not responding....haiyooo..... cant share lo....hohoho....
"Today is 14/9/2011.. wowww... month of september already half way..... as a Malaysian born as Sabahan, 2 more days we will celebrate our Malaysian Day (16/9/1963). So its anniversary of Sabah Joining the Malaysia....weee.... i've learn some history while i'm in secondary school about 10 years back...this is what i know....On 16/9/1963 together with Sarawak, Sabah join Malaysia as a country...."
If can't share politic.. let me share song la....hahhaha.... i'm suppose to be in my blogging mode for politic just now.... now its gone....hehehe.....
suppose to be the original song.... singer translate to Malay version...
VS Anak Kampung... Local Sabahan Song...hohoho
the girl version.....hehehe,,,,,
one of newly release... i think....hahha.... we sabahan always say.. "masam di kk"..hahha
Hope you all enjoy four of this video clips....hahaha..... well, this is Sabahan song.... most of it have its own message,,, cheers all... happy wednesday,,,,,
p/s...hiewwww... still on sad mode for the disappering draft post just now.....huuuu........
Friday, September 9, 2011
woww.... yesterday got call from Tom of BorneoColor ... well,thanks dude.... i'm on 2nd round of Mabul contest.... you all know about that contest.... come2 let me start story2....hehehe..... as per my blog before why must i be at mabul marine week 2011 , they giving me chance to go for the next stage for this contest.... there's 7 contestant on this contest.... and among all this 7, i'm the one and only Male..... woww....hahaha.... well2, not too proud cause i'm not confident to win this.... just test try ba kan....hehe...
thats my post, do visit this for me Hits.... more hits more chances to win...hehehe......
and dont forget also to visit every contestant post...... just log in to this website , we all here.. promoting Mabul....heeee.....for me, win or lose is the 2nd thing.... most important, i can make more friend to my blog and make more traffic...heeee.... this also count ba rite...
talk about Mabul, i start missing my previous work.....mmmm....damn i miss it....heeee.....
once upon a time.... i'm also good in dive....hahhaha....taken in Maldives 2010
seychelles on 2009.... miss the ocean......
mmmm... if you all followingmy blog erlier, you must know what i'm doing for living...heee..... and now, i'm in my own hometown.....waiting for another big step forward....yapsss... 20/11/2011....its coming near......
and for this contest..... Mabul????.... can i wish some hope...heeee.... nice to know you all.... cheers... thanks to BorneoColours for the nice constest... ciao2....heeeee
thats my post, do visit this for me Hits.... more hits more chances to win...hehehe......
and dont forget also to visit every contestant post...... just log in to this website , we all here.. promoting Mabul....heeee.....for me, win or lose is the 2nd thing.... most important, i can make more friend to my blog and make more traffic...heeee.... this also count ba rite...
talk about Mabul, i start missing my previous work.....mmmm....damn i miss it....heeee.....
once upon a time.... i'm also good in dive....hahhaha....taken in Maldives 2010
my last project in Maldives on 2010..... still have chance ka me go abroad again???....heheheseychelles on 2009.... miss the ocean......
mmmm... if you all followingmy blog erlier, you must know what i'm doing for living...heee..... and now, i'm in my own hometown.....waiting for another big step forward....yapsss... 20/11/2011....its coming near......
and for this contest..... Mabul????.... can i wish some hope...heeee.... nice to know you all.... cheers... thanks to BorneoColours for the nice constest... ciao2....heeeee
Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hei2... Its Thrusday.... ya its thrusday... I think all of us already out of Raya or Merdeka Holidays rite....hehehe.. yaps, i'm out of it.. and setting myself on working mode.... its a week already starting back my work here in my hometown....
orite, lets leave little bit bout work here... only in my post la,..hahha.... today wanna talking2 bout trip for holidays... well, i think this year will be my busiest holiday trip.... even the work also in there..hehehe... its running on the same time.....hahaha... on May, i've been to Manila... this coming October will join family trip to Bangkok with my fiancee families..... and we(me & my fiancee) got a surprise gift... Trip to Bali... woww.. after so long dreaming going there, i will be there soon...hahha...
Its suppose to be surprise gift from my Mother in Law...Thanks Ma...heee.... yaps, we got the ticket... This gift was a surprise actually but as i'm always busy with my work, My Mother in Law tell us early lo with this gift... so, we give the date when to travel there.... and finally this is what we got... and its by the "Everyone Can Fly"....hehe...
KOTA KINABALU-JAKARTA-BALI (Depature from KK on 24/11, arrive in Bali on 25/11)
BALI-JAKARTA-KOTA KINABALU (Depature from Bali 30/11, arrive KK in 1/12)
before i plan already to visit Bali after my marriage.... but, a suprise come this week and yeahhh... as i plan....hehe...... so, instead of Bali only, now i have Jakarta.....will be buzzing all my Indonesian friend that i will be there on this date.... so, be prepare to show us what you all have there.....hahaha.... i have lot of freind there especially in Bali....i'm not asking much... just want a great guidence of where to go this is our 1st trip in there.....hahaha....woppsss, of course this is my honeymoon trip.... So, i have complete trip now... Honeymoon before and after Marriage..... so, there must be a difference in both of that..... Lets see....heeee..... as Bangkok trip that i survey/google for the 10 place must visit.. How bout Bali... any idea??? lets ask ...
wowww... after google... many places to go....mmm... in 6 days, can i visit all of that.....mmmm.... dont have any idea what to visit... for sure, i will ask for my friend to be my guide for 6 days in there... long2 time before when i was a drunker/drinker/kakibotol...hahaha... i'm always dreaming visitng HardRock Cafe in Bali....
wowww.... imagine if i capture my photo there....hahaa
fom this side also....haaaa.......
mmmm.... nice quote from beatles......
even if not stay there... if i can only visit.. ok oready la....hahaha
at last.. i will be there soon...haha
and lot of temple also will be nice to be visited... as Bali majority is Hindu there will be many nice temple there.... Bali also famous with its own hand craft... there are very well in carpentery work as i know before..... for sure, all the building there unique and interesting.... Bali concept tha always heard when i work abroad before building a resort.... many design from them... Soon i will know why people love their design...we'll se.... Here we come Bali,.....hahaa.... and its on my honeymoon mode....hohoho... till we meet again for the next post.... for Bali trip update, just wait somewhere around this coming december.....hahaha... so, keep in touch reading my blog.....even if its just a crap.... but, you will gain some crazy info that maybe can guide you sometimes....hahaha.... ciao2 all.... have a nice day......
orite, lets leave little bit bout work here... only in my post la,..hahha.... today wanna talking2 bout trip for holidays... well, i think this year will be my busiest holiday trip.... even the work also in there..hehehe... its running on the same time.....hahaha... on May, i've been to Manila... this coming October will join family trip to Bangkok with my fiancee families..... and we(me & my fiancee) got a surprise gift... Trip to Bali... woww.. after so long dreaming going there, i will be there soon...hahha...
Its suppose to be surprise gift from my Mother in Law...Thanks Ma...heee.... yaps, we got the ticket... This gift was a surprise actually but as i'm always busy with my work, My Mother in Law tell us early lo with this gift... so, we give the date when to travel there.... and finally this is what we got... and its by the "Everyone Can Fly"....hehe...
KOTA KINABALU-JAKARTA-BALI (Depature from KK on 24/11, arrive in Bali on 25/11)
BALI-JAKARTA-KOTA KINABALU (Depature from Bali 30/11, arrive KK in 1/12)
before i plan already to visit Bali after my marriage.... but, a suprise come this week and yeahhh... as i plan....hehe...... so, instead of Bali only, now i have Jakarta.....will be buzzing all my Indonesian friend that i will be there on this date.... so, be prepare to show us what you all have there.....hahaha.... i have lot of freind there especially in Bali....i'm not asking much... just want a great guidence of where to go this is our 1st trip in there.....hahaha....woppsss, of course this is my honeymoon trip.... So, i have complete trip now... Honeymoon before and after Marriage..... so, there must be a difference in both of that..... Lets see....heeee..... as Bangkok trip that i survey/google for the 10 place must visit.. How bout Bali... any idea??? lets ask ...
wowww... after google... many places to go....mmm... in 6 days, can i visit all of that.....mmmm.... dont have any idea what to visit... for sure, i will ask for my friend to be my guide for 6 days in there... long2 time before when i was a drunker/drinker/kakibotol...hahaha... i'm always dreaming visitng HardRock Cafe in Bali....
wowww.... imagine if i capture my photo there....hahaa
fom this side also....haaaa.......
mmmm.... nice quote from beatles......
even if not stay there... if i can only visit.. ok oready la....hahaha
at last.. i will be there soon...haha
and lot of temple also will be nice to be visited... as Bali majority is Hindu there will be many nice temple there.... Bali also famous with its own hand craft... there are very well in carpentery work as i know before..... for sure, all the building there unique and interesting.... Bali concept tha always heard when i work abroad before building a resort.... many design from them... Soon i will know why people love their design...we'll se.... Here we come Bali,.....hahaa.... and its on my honeymoon mode....hohoho... till we meet again for the next post.... for Bali trip update, just wait somewhere around this coming december.....hahaha... so, keep in touch reading my blog.....even if its just a crap.... but, you will gain some crazy info that maybe can guide you sometimes....hahaha.... ciao2 all.... have a nice day......
Friday, September 2, 2011
Why Must I be at Mabul Marine Week 2011
Hei2,.. Mabul here i come..... erkkkk... When??? Where??, ok, am i suppose to be a Sabahan that know where this place is??... ok, honestly i know Mabul but till now on age 28 not yet have a chance to visit this place....hiewwww, poor Sabahan isn't it.....hehehe.... If you all realize with my blog, its full of beach/island picture... most all of it took by myself (not photographer ok....), all the beach/island not in Malaysia. I'm working abroad before and mostly in Maldives and Seychelles.... just find uncle google to find this place Seychelles & Maldives ..... was there 2007-2010... not so long but still i can tell you all that this country have a lot of nice beach and Island.....
Wooppss, am i promoting their country..... ok, back to main story as per the title above..... come Lets Explore Mabul.....
Mabul Island
Mabul is a small island off the south-eastern coast of Sabah in Malaysia... If you all wanna see from the map
there's couple of island in there... lot of choice......
How to go here?
there's 2 ways to come here... by air and road... of course on the last step its only 1 option that is by sea....heee.... If you travelling from Kuala Lumpur, there's a direct flight from KLIA to Tawau, from Tawau, you need to travel by Bus or Taxi to Semporna...
If you travelling by Car from Kota Kinabalu.. it takes around 8 hours... huuuu, what a long drive ha... but if you coming by grouping its not that bad... there's many interesting place on the way from KK to Semporna......
to make it more easy.. just check this website Mabul .... hope it will give a good guidance....
i dont think it will be enough but once you in Sabah dont worry cause we all well trained to give a guidelines to Mabul.... (well, as Sabahan we born as a good buddy.... aissseeehhh.....hehehe)
Why I want to be At Mabul
This the one i like to share to all of you here... why i want to be there.... hmmmmm..... after traveling and stay couple of Island on abroad.... i realize that i'm miss the part of my own state one of amazing scenery.... Most of the time i'm traveling i will met with many tourist from all part over the world ( not all actually...heee), Anybody know what the 1st thing people will ask if we met someone out there??.... ok for me, its like this while in abroad before:
Foreigner: Hi, Where your From?
Me: Sabah, Malaysia. How about you?
Foreigner: I'm from Italy. Is it Borneo? well if yes, you are one of the lucky guy to live there cause as a diver like me, Sipadan/Mabul one of the 'Must Visit' to every divers.... have you been there? (One of the divers i met in Resorts while on construction)
Me: erkkkkk, yes, I'm from Borneo and Sipadan also was there... but its far away from my town... and i dont even know Sipadan interesting than here.....(Maldives also not bad i think...haha)
Foreigner: I cant believe it.. You should visit there sometimes..... Its been my dream since my first dive when i was 12 years old.... ( i think he about 35 years old )
Me: ok, well i'm not even climb our highest mountain there Mt.Kinabalu... i think i should start exploring my own place first before i explore others....hahhaa.... (what a shame in me...)
Foreigner: You must do it.. I'm planning to visit there next year... (that was on 2009.. he suppose to visit Mabul last year)....
Me: ya, i'm considering it now... and i will back to my Borneo as soon for this.... (but, till now....mmmmm)......
then i'm quit my job there last year and back to Sabah..... i'm not quit because i wanna go to Mabul...hahhaa.... hopefully i will be there somedays.... If i have chance, why not rite 3D2N... who wanna give this......
Resort in there... i'm missing my job before.. as a resort builder before..... i'm just wondering "what am i doing out there before??" but.... our place still much to be explore than others... so, its good to maintain some part.... i wish i'll be there someday,,,,,,
well... as a sabahan to promote our best place ever.. someone ever be there before.??..... how i wish i can be there as soon...
check out my past project on abroad... PROJECT ABROAD
till we meet again... and ya, if the 3D2N can be mine.....hehe... cheers all... ciao2....
Wooppss, am i promoting their country..... ok, back to main story as per the title above..... come Lets Explore Mabul.....
Mabul Island
Mabul is a small island off the south-eastern coast of Sabah in Malaysia... If you all wanna see from the map
there's couple of island in there... lot of choice......
How to go here?
there's 2 ways to come here... by air and road... of course on the last step its only 1 option that is by sea....heee.... If you travelling from Kuala Lumpur, there's a direct flight from KLIA to Tawau, from Tawau, you need to travel by Bus or Taxi to Semporna...
If you travelling by Car from Kota Kinabalu.. it takes around 8 hours... huuuu, what a long drive ha... but if you coming by grouping its not that bad... there's many interesting place on the way from KK to Semporna......
to make it more easy.. just check this website Mabul .... hope it will give a good guidance....
i dont think it will be enough but once you in Sabah dont worry cause we all well trained to give a guidelines to Mabul.... (well, as Sabahan we born as a good buddy.... aissseeehhh.....hehehe)
Why I want to be At Mabul
This the one i like to share to all of you here... why i want to be there.... hmmmmm..... after traveling and stay couple of Island on abroad.... i realize that i'm miss the part of my own state one of amazing scenery.... Most of the time i'm traveling i will met with many tourist from all part over the world ( not all actually...heee), Anybody know what the 1st thing people will ask if we met someone out there??.... ok for me, its like this while in abroad before:
Foreigner: Hi, Where your From?
Me: Sabah, Malaysia. How about you?
Foreigner: I'm from Italy. Is it Borneo? well if yes, you are one of the lucky guy to live there cause as a diver like me, Sipadan/Mabul one of the 'Must Visit' to every divers.... have you been there? (One of the divers i met in Resorts while on construction)
Me: erkkkkk, yes, I'm from Borneo and Sipadan also was there... but its far away from my town... and i dont even know Sipadan interesting than here.....(Maldives also not bad i think...haha)
Foreigner: I cant believe it.. You should visit there sometimes..... Its been my dream since my first dive when i was 12 years old.... ( i think he about 35 years old )
Me: ok, well i'm not even climb our highest mountain there Mt.Kinabalu... i think i should start exploring my own place first before i explore others....hahhaa.... (what a shame in me...)
Foreigner: You must do it.. I'm planning to visit there next year... (that was on 2009.. he suppose to visit Mabul last year)....
Me: ya, i'm considering it now... and i will back to my Borneo as soon for this.... (but, till now....mmmmm)......
then i'm quit my job there last year and back to Sabah..... i'm not quit because i wanna go to Mabul...hahhaa.... hopefully i will be there somedays.... If i have chance, why not rite 3D2N... who wanna give this......

well... as a sabahan to promote our best place ever.. someone ever be there before.??..... how i wish i can be there as soon...
check out my past project on abroad... PROJECT ABROAD
till we meet again... and ya, if the 3D2N can be mine.....hehe... cheers all... ciao2....
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