Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi to all of the readers, bloggers and nuff....hehehe..., yeahhhh... duty on monday, yeahhh everyone hate monday rite....but i like monday...hahhaha....try to enjoy it, sure you all can ma,... heyyy, i gain money again with Nuffnang, yeahhh its not that big but its enough to show that i make some progress with it.... to all the nuffnangers, hehhee,.. thanks to you visit and revisit again....yeahhhh...hehhe,,,, i'm blogging for money?? nope, i dont think so, hahhaa... i'm blogging as a hobby ma..hehhee.... when i got nothing to do, why dont i make some exercise, its call finger jog....hahhaa....whatever, i will post new blog as much as i can...and if i have internet line..... maybe its kind of bored of life i have now....but its ok... remember that "enjoy ur life"... no matter what condition, enjoy it, yesterday moments will not come again....hiewww... yeahhh... some say life sucks, yess its does sometimes, but not all the time,...hehhee..

damn, i start to bla bla again..its all bout the bored life....hahhaa.... why me?hahhaa... i'm not bored at all, i still manage to doing something ma....hehhee... today, full day of work...going here and there.....yeahhh, work never end.... i'm starting already now for preparation for new project (mmmm, actually not that serious...hehhe) i need to chase for all the things la rite... My boss said, " u keep quiet, they also will just like that"...damn, need to survive la rite....ahhh, i will start it...hehhee....well, i will travelling back, and now it will be Maldives again,...hieww.... will leave again Malaysia,,,,this is how i doing for money....hehhe... dont care much la, still need to gain money ma rite... but still not confirm when i suppose to be went there...just wait n see la rite...still have work to be done here.......

Its all bout work today.....zzzzzz.... working mode..hahha

take this one today while i'm going out for lunch.... damn it, all over place been burn what....hiewww..where's the owner of the land and one more think...where's the fire rescue... maybe they get bored already with this oooo... just hope this fire not harm no one.....

yeahhh... everywhere got fire now.... its hot2 season here.... maybe this is what they call "El-Nino"....hiewww..... so, lets us save water....hehehe..... but, today got little bit raining la...and the cloud seems to be contain much rain...hope it will be rain at the jungle area... i just wondering how Sabah can survive for the next 2 months if no rain.....hehehe,,..

Lets ask just waiting for the rain....hahhaa....yeahhhh....rain for life ma..... and yeahhh, to make a story with my t-shirt today, change my singapore t-shirt with my friend t-shirt.... hahhaa... just like the word on this t-shirt... thanks to my fren...but the shirt i buy from Singapore expensive than yours ma.... no problem la.....just like your shirt....hahha....

See that...hahaha... I'm not sure much what it means but i'm sure it not all with in our head rite... so, keep our head out (waa... i mean lets think wisely...)...hehhe.... dont just simply judge the first word....hehehe....

mmmmm.... been typing much already i think.... need to stop now, reserve for tomorrow again ma rite..... after will lost of idea writing....hehehe..... see you all again...ciao2 all...

p/s.... its nice to be lonely sometimes rite....hahhaa

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