Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hye2 2011..... here i come with a mission.... feel very sorry for my blog, seems like not updating for so long....hmmmmm, feeling so sorry..... BTW, Happy New Year to all my blogger buddies.... 2011 will be my challenging year to come.... And now I'm announcing that I'm totally back to the root, i mean I'm staying back in my hometown now. For a moment and continuously, i will be here now (Land Below the Wind, SABAH)... I already setting up myself here now. Quite Challenging for me but i need to make it done and smoothly running as it suppose to be....

To much going on actually now, I'm gearing up all this year..... from career to personal life, I'm totally change it up 100%.... Seems like challenging but in my mind always saying that "when will i start if not now??"..... I'm not following the flow now, I'm following the logically things a need to consider to do it..... I'm not gonna finish all the update within this page as it is too long and i don't think i have much time to hang with my blog all the time...... but, i'm always keep looking at it..... just love my blog and this is the place i want to keep my words to motivate myself.....just hoping this 2011 can give me little bit bright shine....Good thing for everyone.... Now, i'm on my to have my own commitment of relationship.... this coming 29/1/2011 will be my engagement day.... May this will mark my day more strong spirit to have better life for my future... Hope all will running well.... I want this 2011 will be remarkable for me with my becoming fiancee and starting new page of 2011....

For the page 2010 that i already leave, there's much been happen last year that some i'm going to be close it up and some more i will improve or make it....i'm just hoping for the best for me and for everyone.... cheers 2011.... I'm already ready for the 2011 challenge... i know there will be much more challenge to come but i only have one thought as always "Be More Patient", there will be something good thing will come from the bad thing we going through on the past and "past is past" it will not come back again unless you ask for it..... yups, there's much want to share but i can't make it all... just wish me all the best and the luck always with me.......heeeee.... cheers all..... Have a pleasant 2011..... Ciaoooo.....

Picture taken on Christmas 2010..... Finally I got my life here....Hope all will running well... and waiting on 29/1/2011....cheers all.......


Lorraine Irene said...

hey rollen... itukah sumandak ko? :)

ROLLENS said...

ya/// sumandak sa ni.. skg tunang sdh...kekkee...kudat origin k....heee

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