Thursday, February 11, 2010


OOOwhhhh... i woke up late today.,,,, its 7a.m already....lucky my friend wake me up...other wise, today sleeping already and not go working...hehhe... Its all because of EPL, watching MU Vs Aston Villa, i'm a big fan of MU....hehhe... its 1-1 oooo, but its good as Chelsea lose with Everton...hahha... hope chelsea will lose again....hehehe.... maybe i sleep around 3a.m...ya its late...thats why i cannot woke up early this morning, so i take express bath and with just a plain water and banana for a breakfast and then we going to work...hehehe... today go by bus la, late already and little bit hot....hehehe....

almost today spend a lot of time in conference center (why? have meeting ahh...)hehehe... no la, this building still not finish what, got some problem but i think its not that much and can be made rite... we make the building ma, not the building make us....heheheh.,.. i'm searching for something in site....mmmmm... shit, i cant found it.....i will break my friend cabinet...(dont you angry ahhh Sri Lanka, this is for our sample ma).....hahahha.......

Its lunch time now...what i'm gonna eat for lunch? i'm not each lunch actually, its enough some bun/cake with coke....hehehe....that will be nice already..... Need some rest now, my leg little bit tired and my cough...(uhuk2, still the same la), and its seems like raining this evening, i'm just waiting for you.....

*hey rain...come on.,..hahhaha

I've got some meeting/discussion with contractor this evening in Spa villa...2p.m ma, still early.....hehhee... another new guys for them, and will be new silly question every time...hahaha... no matter what la, its still a work to be salary already workers in Factory, here how le,,, we also want ma,,,,hehehe,,,,

*see ya later......resting2 the brain dlu...hahhaha

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